Monday, April 12, 2010


Julia continued physical therapy last week, making improvements in small ways in spite of being sidelined a bit with her knee now immobilized. She had some more speech/memory therapy where she talked about home, family, birthday celebrations, including her last 18th celebration in December and some other parties she'd been to in February. She also expressed some interest in Prom plans, asking if there were any official dates yet. Maybe some comments can be posted on that...Your emails, cards and gifts are always met with smiles and expressions of gratitude.

The weekend wasn't quite as sunny for Julia as it was outside. She was more tired out and still doesn't have much of an appetite-although chocolate and Odwallas went over well. A decision is pending on whether to have surgery to repair the patella fracture sooner or later. Slow progress, but progress nonetheless.

Visitors are still strictly limited to immediate family and with prior clearance from Wendy and James.

1 comment:

  1. We are thinking of you every day. Hope every day brings progress, Paul and Sue, Jake and Emma
